Godrej Defender Aurum safe Designed to combat burglary and theft threats, the Defender Aurum Safe is the latest and most premium offering in its line, designed on a platform suited to the needs of consumers across the globe
गोदरेज डिफेंडर ऑरम सेफ चोरी और चोरी के खतरों से निपटने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया, डिफेंडर ऑरम सेफ अपनी लाइन में नवीनतम और सबसे प्रीमियम पेशकश है, जिसे दुनिया भर के उपभोक्ताओं की जरूरतों के अनुकूल प्लेटफॉर्म पर डिज़ाइन किया गया है। हाउस ऑफ गोदरेज से निर्मित यह हाई-ग्रेड सेफ रेंज वास्तव में अपनी तरह की पहली है, इस प्रकार यह हमारे भारतीय उपभोक्ताओं के लिए अंतरराष्ट्रीय गुणवत्ता और इसके साथ दिखती है।

Product Detail:-
Dimension in cm (HxWxD): 77.8 X 62.3 X 66
Weight: 585 Kg
Volume: 96 Liter
Lock Type: Mechanical Type
This Godrej defender tijori are mostly used for the Non-Banking segment and jewelers tijori, vault door for nonbanking organizations like Muthoot Finance, Muthoot fin corp, Bajaj Finance Limited, Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Limited, HDB Finance Services, Cholamandalam, Tata Capital Financial Services..etc
यह गोदरेज डिफेंडर तिजोरी ज्यादातर गैर बैंकिंग सेगमेंट और ज्वैलर्स टिजोरी के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है, मुथूट फाइनेंस, मुथूट फिनकॉर्प, बजाज फाइनेंस लिमिटेड, महिंद्रा एंड महिंद्रा फाइनेंशियल सर्विसेज लिमिटेड, एचडीबी फाइनेंस सर्विसेज, चोलामंडलम, टाटा कैपिटल फाइनेंशियल सर्विसेज जैसे गैर-बैंकिंग संगठनों के लिए वॉल्ट डोर। ।आदि
Q: What is the color of the product?
A: Dark Brawn
Q: Are this Godrej defender Aurum safe and sufficient for commercial usage?
A: defender Aurum safe comes with secure storage which gives you ample space to store a lot of your valuables, currency, jewelry, and other documents.
Q: Are this Godrej defender Aurum 31 safe fire and Burglary resistant?
A: It is Fire & Burglary Resistant, it is incidental.
Q: Do they have internal shelves?
A: Yes. All the Godrej defender Aurum safes come with internal adjustable shelves for your convenience and usage.
Q: Is there internal lighting in the Godrej Defender Aurum safe 31-inch?
A: No
Q: What type of key lock is provided on the Godrej Defender Aurum safe?
A: High-Security long Key is secure and safe.
Q: Are these Godrej Defender Aurum 31 Class “C” safe TRTL resistant?
A: It is Fire & Burglary resistant only & NOT TRTL Torch Resistant safe, it is incidental.
Q: How safe are Godrej Defender NX Aurum safe 31 inches?
A: Godrej Defender Aurum safe is as per BIS Class C (TL 30 D x TL 10 x 5 – FR 30), Class BB (TRTL 15 x 6), Class A (TRTL 30 x 6), Class AA (TRTL 60 x 6) and Available Single Door and Double Door with size in 26 inches I 31 inch I 41 inch I 49 inch I 61 inch I 81 inch I 84 inch
Q: Are home Godrej Defender Aurum safe ?
A: Your valuables are not 100 % safe, even in a bank locker. Godrej safe purchaser buys time as per class to avoid burglary, The RBI has stated that banks will not compensate if the contents of the locker are stolen or damaged in a natural calamity. ,
Q: Which Godrej Defender NX Aurum safe is best for secure Cash?
A: Best and safest Godrej Defender Aurum safe in India Godrej Security Solutions is C / BB / A Class in different sizes Mechanical Key Lock Safe Locker.
Q: Is Godrej Defender NX Aurum safe Secure?
A: Your valuables are not 100 % safe, even in a bank locker. The RBI has stated that banks will not compensate if the contents of the locker are stolen or damaged in a natural calamity. Won’t it be better to Godrej Godrej Defender Aurum safe installation to keep your valuables in a secure safe at home/bank/office/NBFC etc?
Q- What is the price of Godrej Defender Aurum 31 safe?
A: You can buy at the best online price from www.mytijori.com on your choice.