What is the quality of Godrej Rhino Advance Mechanical Safe

Godrej Rhino Advance Mechanical Safe, It safe can be easily accommodated in all residences. Just as the name suggests the safe boasts extremeyet, is compact in size. It has a double-walled door with a solid steel bearing block and a drill-resistant armored plate for shielding the lock and bolt in the door.

गोदरेज राइनो एडवांस मैकेनिकल सेफ, इसे सभी घरों में आसानी से रखा जा सकता है। जैसा कि नाम से पता चलता है कि तिजोरी अभी तक चरम पर है, आकार में कॉम्पैक्ट है। इसमें एक ठोस स्टील असर ब्लॉक के साथ एक डबल-दीवार वाला दरवाजा है और दरवाजे में ताला और बोल्ट को ढालने के लिए एक ड्रिल-प्रतिरोधी बख़्तरबंद प्लेट है।

The video below will help you to understand the Godrej rhino’s advanced mechanical safe:-


Product Dimension:-

Dimensions H x W x D) : 61 x 46 x 38 cm
Color: Gold
Weight: 60 Kg
Volume: 79 Liter
Shooting Bolts: 4
Door Type: Double Walled
Lock Type: Key Lock

Godrej Rhino Advance Key Lock Safe Locker Gold, home lockers are designed to offer personalized security. Its locking system uses.

इस तिजोरी में कुछ विशेषताएं हैं: –

– यह तिजोरी पूरी तरह से यांत्रिक है और यह गॉर्डियन लॉक सिस्टम के साथ आती है

– अतिरिक्त सुरक्षा के लिए इसमें 4 शूटिंग बोल्ट हैं

– यह 2 चाबियों से खुला या बंद होता है

– अंदर के छोटे लॉकर में आपको 2 एडजस्टेबल अलमारियां और 1 छोटा अटैच्ड लॉकर और 1 छोटा बॉक्स मिलेगा, इस लॉकर में यह है विशेषता

– इस लॉकर के साथ 2 चाबियां मिलेंगी

There are some features in this safe:-

– This safe is fully mechanical and It comes with a Gordian lock system
– It has 4 shooting bolts for the extra security
– It is open or closed with 2 keys
– You will get 2 adjustable shelves and 1 small attached locker and 1 small box in the small locker inside, this is feature in this locker
– 2 keys will get with this locker
– To check the price or buy this safe please visit our website www.mytijori.com

Godrej Rhino Advance Key Lock Safe Locker Gold, home lockers are designed to offer personalized security. Its locking system uses.

Find a suitable product for your home

In today’s digital age, where everything is smart, security too has become smarter. Godrej Safe Rhino Home Locker, designed for both business and home use, secure your belongings while combining both aesthetics and technology.

The strong walls of our safe are 10X/100/250 stronger than a wooden cupboard and will scare away any burglar. It would be safe to say that it is a perfect fit for your valuables. Our Mechani Home Lockers will keep your valuables safe and secure! Lockers so smart that they auto-freeze after four consecutive wrong attempts.

Product FAQ’s

Q: Are these safes fire-resistant?
A: No. These safes are not certified fire resistant. We have a range of lockers that are certified fire resistant and can withstand fire for up to 2 hours. Please check the Safire and Rhino range of lockers for fire resistance.

Q: Does the Rhino locker have an inbuilt alarm system?
A: No. You can check our Rhino range of lockers which come with an inbuilt alarm system

Q: What if we lost the key to this locker, can we get another duplicate key?
A: No, Once you lost the keys then it needs to break open

Q: Does this locker have any In-built alarm system?
A: No,

Godrej Rhino Advance Key Lock Safe Locker Gold, home lockers are designed to offer personalized security. Its locking system uses.

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